Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Willful blindness and Shut down theater


Oh My: Park Rangers Ordered to "Make Life Difficult" for Citizens; "It's Disgusting," Says One Ranger

But the media does not pursue such obvious leads because they're afraid they'll wind up with a Story they'll have to report.

Think about that: They won't ask questions, because they fear it will result in a scoop and a big story.

And then, if they have the scoop and the story, they'll then have to Spike it, and that's dangerous, because people sometimes talk.

So the cleanest way around the problem is to simply not pursue any leads at all which may result in a storyline disfavorable to Obama.
For example, this:

The World War II Memorial Shutdown: A Symbol of Government Malice

The president just spoke from a well-prepared stage in Maryland, condemning the shutdown. The money spent on transportation, security, and staging for that event would easily cover the cost of opening our nation’s war memorials for several days.

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