Wednesday, January 06, 2010

News Flash!!!

David Brooks is still a pompous jerk.

Ace has the best take down.

Follow the discussion at Memeorandum.

I have a theory about why the Times still publishes a dope like Brooks. It goes back to this passage from David Gelernter:

Today's elite loathes the public. Nothing personal, just a fundamental difference in world view, but the hatred is unmistakable. Occaissionally it escapes in scorching geysers. Michael Lewis reports in the New Republic on the '96 Dole presidential campaign: 'The crowd flips the finger at the busloads of journalists and chant rude things at them as they enter each arena. The journalists, for their part, wear buttons that say 'yeah, i'm the Media. Screw You.' The crowd hates the reporters, the reporters hate the crowd-- an even matchup, except that the reporters wield power and the crowed (in effect) wields none.

Drawing Life

David Brooks -- just one more Freddie Uncle from the New York Times.

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