Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Why i called Geraghty a lap dog

The transcript for the News Hour segment on blogs and Eason Jordan is now online.

I think Jim Geraghty let Terence Smith get away with some very slanted reporting about blogs and the MSM.

1. Here is how Smith described the Rather mess:
Dan Rather, whose faulty reporting on documents purportedly dealing with the president's National Guard service led to his impending departure from the CBS anchor chair.
Makes it sound like ol' Dan failed to dot a few "i"s and cross a few "t"s. No mention that the documents were fraudulent or that they were central to the "60 Minutes" story.

2. Terence Smith described bloggers as a "digital lynch mob" and spoke of the hunt for "scalps". JG did not challenge this blatant attempt to stack the deck. Instead he played right along--
I do kind of wonder if to a certain extent we ended up in sort of a situation of like an old western in which, you know, Black Bart comes into town. Everybody wants to be the one who shot Black Bart. As soon as Eason Jordan ended up in this controversy there was a certain extent some bloggers wanted to be the one who took down Eason Jordan.

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