Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Whitewashing porn

From 28 Sherman

In the 21st century enlightened mindset, it is all good. Everything relating to sex is good, except for heterosexual male desire, and pornography will be endorsed by both men and women. Be sex positive. Be inclusive. Be open-minded about sex workers. You know why the media calls them porn stars no matter how lowly their career? If not porn stars, the only other applicable term is filmed hooker. Jon Millward decided to look at the Internet Adult Film Database and glean what information he could about the average performer. Stereotypes were challenged, and he puts a great spin on a seedy industry.

This is a hardy perennial for the MSM. They are so afraid of being labeled a prude that they work overtime repeating the PR tropes of the purveyors of smut. They are so eager to shock the squares that they refuse to treat the porn business like they do any other business.

Compare the coverage of fracking with that of the porn industry. A technology that is pushing us toward energy independence and that has generated high-paying jobs is under constant scrutiny. Journalists look for the downside: does it harm nearby residents? Will it harm the nesting sites of starlings? Does it divert young people from college and reduce the enrollment in gender studies courses? Maybe it interferes with the reproductive cycle of the stink bug?

Porn, which is inherently exploitive and which exposes performers to a deadly disease on a daily basis, rarely elicits probing questions or long investigative pieces.

Reporters and pundits alike prefer to write fawning pieces about Hef or celebrate the cultural impact of Deep Throat.


"Hugh Hefner is in one in a long line of preachy perverts"

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