Friday, November 22, 2013


Bryan Preston has an intersting answers that will make Chris Matthews and Tom Brokaw cry.

6 Reasons the Media/Left Refuse to Let the Kennedy Assassination Go
Speaking of Brokaw, i caught a snippet of "Morning Joe" today. Brokaw and Dan Rather rehashing memories of 11/22/63. It was kind of pathetic. A couple of old bulls, long ago put out to pasture, telling stories about their Glory Days.

Which suggests a seventh reason why television has gorged on this anniversary. The JFK assassination is commonly noted as the moment when television became the primary medium through which Americans received their news. Fifty years later and the media landscape is completely transformed. Broadcast news is a dinosaur hoping to survive.

It is not surprising that TV newsreaders and producers want to hearken back one more time to a glamorous, golden past.

(Just wait until next summer when the whole MSM does its 40th annual Nixon/Watergate victory dance.)

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