Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The Republican Oblivion Tour

The Veiled Anti-American Sentiment of Open Borders Politicians

Look, many of us are willing to accept that there is a targeted and finite labor shortage in specific sectors. But to suggest that at a time when there are millions of Americans looking for jobs, there is also a labor shortage that even the 55 million new immigrants and guest workers in this bill cannot satisfy, is simply asking us to suspend our commonsense.

What is really driving this indefatigable push for mass amnesty, precipitous immigration, and open borders is the desire on the part of big business for an endless supply of cheaper workers – be it low, middle, or high skilled. As the inimitable Thomas Sowell explains in his recent column, Economics vs. Need, we all have desires that are communicated in terms of “needs.” The Ag industry says it needs millions upon millions of immigrant workers. But that need, especially to the degree to which they are exaggerating it, is nothing more than a desire for government to guarantee them a maximum wage support, much like the price support scheme they are getting in the upcoming farm bill.

Rick Santorum and the Type A voters

Symbolism is important, too. As Santorum observed, it matters that a candidate secures the endorsement of average people and puts a spotlight upon them. This is really Politics 101, but somehow a lot of Republicans have forgotten it, deeming it silly or condescending. (Or maybe they’re worried their opponents will label them condescending.) It’s not that the Romney campaign was utterly devoid of such supporters, but he didn’t use them effectively. And he had a tendency to say things that played into his biggest weakness, like the “47 percent” comment, or his observation that he was “not concerned about the very poor.” There was more to the context of these remarks than the killer sound bites extracted by the media and Obama’s campaign team… but when will Republican candidates learn that they don’t control the transmission of “context?

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