Monday, April 06, 2009

Bushism of the day

Oh, wait.

Bush isn't president anymore. So i guess mocking the verbal gaffes of POTUS just is not as much fun anymore.

Beldar gets it half right:
But seriously, folks. Do I believe that Barack Obama genuinely doesn't know that they speak German in Austria, and that he'd make this same mistake in an unstressed setting with a moment to reflect upon it? No, I don't believe that. This was a silly and innocent mistake — like the "57 states" comment during the campaign — and any human being, no matter how well educated and genuinely knowledgeable, will be caught making this sort of mistake from time to time if subjected to constant and intense scrutiny.

I grew sick to death of those who seized upon every verbal misstep of George W. Bush's or Sarah Palin's and treated those missteps as if they were meaningful, as if they were worthy of anything more than mild mockery for purposes of amusement. They weren't. This isn't either
The minor mistakes are not meaningful. The disparate treatment of the mistakes are very meaningful. They tell us nothing about the President's ability. They tell us a great deal about the MSM

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