Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A good argument against the death penalty

Governor's vetoes cut funds to fight wrongful convictions

In a state known for sending innocent people to prison, Gov. Rod Blagojevich [Democrat] has angered prosecutors and defense attorneys alike by vetoing millions of dollars lawmakers set aside to fight wrongful convictions and support sweeping death penalty reforms.

One budget cut eliminated first-time funding for a Downstate advocacy group with several key court victories on behalf of convicted defendants. Another veto blocked funds for videotaping interrogations in murder cases under a law championed by Barack Obama when he was a state lawmaker

If we are going to the death penalty, then we have to make certain that only the guilty are sent to Death row. Here we see further evidence that politicians really don't care about wrongful convictions.

When you read crap like this you can understand Justice Blackmun's refusal to "tinker with the machinery of death."

HT: Talkleft

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