Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Loose Lips....

On behalf of the Ba'athist dead-enders and jihadis everywhere, i would like to thank the "senior officials" who opined to the New York Times that Saddam might be leading the guerrilla war against Coalition forces.

Thanks because we really want government sources to add to Iraqi fears that Saddam might be back. And it is so much better to have Hussein viewed as an active commander giving orders than as a fleeing coward wearing women's robes.

But one thing i want to know----- is your intelligence on this as good as prior assessments? You know, those "reports" that had him killed, wounded, meeting here, hiding there? The reports that turned out to be wrong so often?

Can we get a leak investigation here? 'Cause this sort of talk undercuts on-going psy-ops and obviously entails the leaking of classified data and confidential reports.

Or does this matter only when we can blame Karl Rove?

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