Monday, March 03, 2003

Q: How much does Molly Ivins hate George W. Bush?

A. Enough to slander America and FDR.

In this piece
Molly Ivins gets carried away with the idea that the enemy of her enemy is her friend. She launches into a disjointed, fact-challenged defense of French military prowess. In the middle of it she tells us that:

"Relying on the Maginot Line was one of the great military follies of modern history, but it does not reflect on the courage of those who died for France in 1940. For 18 months after that execrable defeat, the United States of America continued to have cordial diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany."

Cordial diplomatic relations. The French were brave and fought while we shared cigars and brandy with Adolph.

Well, except to the fact that we gave some destroyers to Britain and then arranged this thing called Lend-Lease so we could give Britain weapons to fight Germany without requiring payment for them. And then of course we helped Britain hunt German subs and even lent a hand searching for the Bismarck. Oh, yeah, and made common strategy with Britain while we were at peace and designated Germany the main enemy.

Does she ever get embarrassed writing this junk? Does she have any friends who can tell her that she is making an ass out of herself?

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